No More Stolen Elections!

Unite for Voting Rights and Democratic Elections

<p>The US Chamber of Commerce was <a href=" in outside spending</a> by independent expenditure groups in 2012 with over $33 million spent. Despite the chamber&#39;s involvement, US Chamber-backed congressional candidates lost <a href=" out of 50 elections</a>. In the 2010 congressional midterms, the first election since the Citizens United vs. FEC Supreme Court decision, the US Chamber spent $32 million, <a href=" of which went to Republican candidates. Also in 2010, two watchdog groups, and U.S. Chamber Watch, <a href=" the US Chamber of criminal fraud and money laundering, alleging that the Chamber had illegally funneled between $12 million and $18 million in donations from a wealthy charitable foundation into their political activities. Public Citizen has also <a href=" a complaint</a> against the US Chamber of Commerce for failing to report campaign contributions to state attorney general and supreme court campaigns between 2000 and 2004.&nbsp;</p>

BLOOMBERG: US Chamber Spent $33 Million on Losing 36 Congressional Races

U.S. CHAMBER WATCH: 93% of U.S. Chamber 2010 Election Spending Went to Republicans