No More Stolen Elections!

Unite for Voting Rights and Democratic Elections

<blockquote>Let us have as much representative democracy as necessary, and as much participatory democracy as possible.</blockquote>
<cite>~ Bernardo Alvarez Herrera, Venezuelan ambassador to the U.S.A.</cite>
Here is a contradiction. On the one hand, the United States have long been an inspiration to democracy movements around the globe, from revolutions across the Americas to the Chinese democracy movement of 1989. On the other hand, most of the "democracy" U.S. foreign policy has attempted to export has had little in common with the democratic ideals America is supposed to support.

Liberty Tree

The Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution is a nonprofit organization rooted in the belief that the American Revolution is a living tradition whose greatest promise is democracy. In order to help achieve that promise, Liberty Tree works to create a society in which communities and individuals have the desire, skills, and capacity to participate in the vital decisions that affect their lives.

A history of election interference by the U.S. in foreign countries

...the U.S. has a long and stunning history of attempting to influence foreign presidential elections, recent research by political scientist Dov Levin shows.

Pope speaks of "right of the environment" in address to Congress