No More Stolen Elections!

Unite for Voting Rights and Democratic Elections

NEW YORK TIMES: The Secret Election

[Editor's note: Although the measure promoted by this New York Times editorial, full public disclosure of corporate money in politics, does not go far enough, the editorial does get right the massive corrupting effect that Citizens United is having on our political system. For a more effective, long-term response, join the movement to abolish corporate personhood by passing a resolution in your own hometown.]

New York Times

HIGHTOWER: Two Multibillionaire Brothers Are Remaking America for Their Own Benefit

GERLING: Lakoff and Westen Miss the Constitutional Elephant in the Room

TRUTHDIG: Fox and Friends Trying to Bully and Buy Their Way Back to Power

ACLU: Georgia's voter-registration racially discriminatory

WASHINGTON - July 7 - The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Georgia and the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (Lawyers' Committee) filed a motion late yesterday in a Washington, D.C. federal court to intervene in a challenge to the Voting Rights Act brought by the state of Georgia. The civil rights coalition is defending the constitutionality of Section 5 of the Act and challenging the state's flawed and racially discriminatory voter-registration practices.

ACLU Press Release

AMERICAN JOURNALISM REVIEW: Cappuccino and Citizen Journalism

AP: Residents oppose challenge to Alabama voting rights law

BIRMINGHAM — Some black residents in Shelby County, backed by the NAACP and ACLU, are seeking to challenge the county's attempt to have parts of the Voting Rights Act ruled unconstitutional.

The county's lawsuit contends that conditions that kept minorities from voting years ago are a thing of the past.

Associated Press

NEW YORK TIMES: One Person, One Vote for President
