On February 16th, 2011 Washington State Senator Adam Kline (D) introduced a resolution (SJM 8007) calling on Congress to adopt a Constitutional Amendment to ensure that corporations do not have the same rights as people.
The state Senate Judiciary Committee was scheduled to take up this issue yesterday (February 17, 2011).
If you wish to urge the committee members to pass this resolution to end corporate personhood which is destroying our democracy, please call them and voice your opinion.
Sen. Nick Harper (D), Vice Chair: (360) 786-7674 Sen. Cheryl Pflug (R): (360) 786-7608 Sen. Jeff Baxter (R): (360) 786-7606 Sen. Mike Carrell (R) (360) 786-7654 Sen. James Hargrove (D): (360) 786-7646 Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D): (360) 786-7670 (co-signer) Sen. Debbie Regala (D): (360) 786-7652 Sen. Pam Roach (R): (360) 786-7660
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