October 3, 2011
Dear friends,
Move to Amend heartily supports Occupy Wall Street, the best thing to happen since the Wisconsin protest wave began! It warms our hearts to see the occupation growing steadily, and sparking occupations and protests in cities across the nation.
We’ve known for quite a while that most Americans are with us in our fight against corporate personhood. The problem has been reaching them and getting them to act. The young people who started Occupy Wall Street have touched a nerve that has ignited others and we say, “Way to go!”
Pundits have complained there are no formal demands. These savvy folks formed a general assembly to make decisions through consensus. In just two weeks, the occupation’s general assembly released this draft declaration.
Who knows what October will bring, but it looks pretty good for our side!
Occupy Wall Street is growing an and spreading, and this Thursday, and the long-planned October 2011 occupation of Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC begins.
You can bet the corporate powers in league with broken government and the mainstream media will do everything in their power to quash the revolt. We can’t let that happen.
If you live anywhere near any of these protests and occupations, please get down there and spread the word about Move to Amend. Take our petitions and materials with you and connect our efforts. The democracy movement is in the streets. We need to bring that movement into the Constitution, too.
2011 started with the Arab Spring and the uprisings in Madison, WI, and other state capitals, and the revolt will continue through the Autumn in DC, NY, and other sites of occupation!
Move to Amend will be there.
In solidarity,
Ben Manski, Lisa Graves, Laura Bonham, Nancy Price, George Friday, David Cobb, and Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
Move to Amend Executive Team
Building a Democracy MovementGeneralDemocracy SquareDemocracy SquareDemocracy Square