No More Stolen Elections!

Unite for Voting Rights and Democratic Elections

The Liberty Tree Foundation is very pleased to endorse and urge participation in a very important national student power convergence just two weeks from now in Ohio.
Please pass this information on to other students and to supportive faculty and staff who might consider attending.

The past few years have brought an exciting rise in youth activism in the United States. From those fighting the prison industrial complex, to those fighting for environmental justice; from those resisting tuition hikes and privatization, to undocumented youth fighting to end deportations and gain a path to citizenship, young people all over the country have begun to stand up and demand a future.
But we still haven't sat down in the same room together and really gotten to know each other.
In the spring, students from New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, & Mass. had the idea of a national convergence.  It bloomed, and now it is happening! 5 Working groups (communications, logistics, programming, training, outreach) have been planning the convergence for about two months.
We believe that building relationships within and between movements, and learning how our struggles connect is an important step to begin building a unified US youth movement.  At the convergence, we will learn from each other, so we can go home with a national network and the skills and tools necessary to transform our communities.  The convergence isn’t about just one issue; it’s about developing a shared analysis, and discovering how we can build power to achieve change in our communities.

WHEN: August 10th-14th
WHERE: Columbus, Ohio at Ohio State University.
WHAT: We will have movement building trainings, as well as youth-led programming and discussions to provide us with the tools and means to achieve our vision. Representatives from CLASSE, Quebec’s striking student union, and Mexico’s #YoSoy132 movement will speak about their experiences, and we will hear the stories of many more activists of the past and present.

We think the convergence is the next step toward building a youth movement in the US.

Registration ends August 5th, so if you want to join us, register today!


Democracy SquareLiberty Tree FoundationDemocratizing Education NetworkDemocracy SquareDemocracy SquareLiberty Tree FoundationDemocratizing Education Network