One of the major party candidates this year is calling for racially charged voter intimidation - for supporters and law enforcement officials to go into areas where people of color live and vote in order to closely “watch” what happens and to keep “bad things” from happening when voters of color do vote. This call for intimidating action has a chilling effect on voters, especially considering the current wave of police violence dominating the news and a spike in racial hate crimes across the country.
For example, in Los Angeles County where I live, there has been a large increase in hate crimes this past year after a seven year decline. As always, blacks are disproportionately affected by hate crimes, representing about 8% of the county’s population and 58% of the victims. Unique to last year, however, anti-Latinx crimes increased by a staggering 69% along with an increase in crimes against people due to their religion, sexual orientation, race, gender or gender identity, signaling a growing culture of racialized violence that must be rejected.